
Akashic Records


What Is Akashic Record Reading?

The Akashic Records are the energetic records of your soul that holds all information about the cosmic truth of who you really are. It records every word, thought, action, event, emotion and belief systems.

By accessing your Akashic Records you will receive information to understand your blocks and limitations in life, the insights and possible choices in co-creating a better outcome. This automatically brings awareness in providing you an opportunity for deep transformational healing in all dimensions, planes and times by embracing in a new reality that is of high service to you and to your soul’s journey.

Your Akashic Records is the deepest profound tool kit for you in becoming a conscious co-creator by creating the results that your heart and soul desires in the alignment to your souls purpose.
Benefits of Akashic Records Reading

What are the Benefits?

Hypnosis is used to cure a variety of range of conditions, health issues, and unhealthy behaviors like the following

Akashic Records Reading Testimonials
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