
9D Womb Healing with 9 Cosmic Mothers

9D Womb Healing with 9 Cosmic Mothers

What is 9D Womb Healing?

We all know what a womb is. Let us understand this sacred concept in greater depth. The womb is a space where conception, creation, nourishment, development, growth & birth take place. Now although, when you read the word “womb,” you naturally think of the physical womb where a baby is conceived, created, nourished, developed, grown & birthed; this concept actually extends way beyond the physical womb and its biological and anatomical structures & functions.

At TRISHAKTI, AMBICA has received a divine healing modality from 9 beautiful Goddesses, 9 cosmic mothers, who have graciously explained the metaphysical significance of the sacred space of creation – the womb.

The womb is a sacred space representing the divine feminine (All of us, irrespective of our physical genders house divine feminine as well as masculine energies, which we seek to balance, & learn how to do so through a series of incarnations). So the womb represents a space that harnesses the feminine energies of creation, birth, regeneration, nourishment & growth. It forms the basis of our connection to Source/Creator. Feminine Energies are “receiving” energies & follow the principle of “flow” – which means a state of gentle surrender to allow for creation, connection & greater abundance.

Sometimes, due to past painful experiences and trauma, layers of stuck energy maybe present in and blocking the energies of this sacred space. Any misalignment, trauma, stuck or dead energies present in the sacred womb space, can disrupt our state of ‘flow & receiving’, and hinder our ability to connect with our source/creator for greater guidance & abundance. 

Connection with cosmic source energy (Source/Creator) is extremely important as this is literally our source of everything – wisdom, guidance, power, and all things good – happiness, joy & abundance in all its forms. Hence, it is essential to address & release any blockages in the sacred womb space that may be disrupting our connection with cosmic source energy.

‘9D WOMB HEALING with 9 COSMIC MOTHERS’ is a healing modality which makes use of 9th dimensional healing frequencies, brought forward through the healing powers & energies of 9 extremely powerful Goddesses. This healing process entails 9 layers of healing so that all the energies associated with the womb can be restored and balanced in a way to enhance and strengthen your connection to source and shift you into a state of flow & abundance – ‘healthy receiving mode’.


What does this modality offer?

The processes and techniques undertaken in this modality focus on healing you in such a way, that it is literally ‘Birthing a NEW YOU.’ These 9 gracious Cosmic mothers, offer their strength & support through the entire healing process, acting like divine mid-wives, clearing your sacred womb space of any & all stuck energies; helping you give birth to a New, Empowered and an Evolved & Aware You!

Understand that your current physical gender does not matter when it comes to the sacred womb space. You could be a man or a woman, and may still need a 9D womb healing, in cases where – 

These are just some of the cases, in which your sacred womb energies may get blocked and may need to be healed. 9D womb healing aims at releasing all stuck energies from the sacred womb space & restoring one’s connection to source energy for greater meaning , depth & joy in life.

The 9D Womb Healing Sessions may help you in –

So if you feel as if excellent opportunities always evade you, or abundance isn’t making its way through to you, or if you feel disconnected from source with disruptions in your spiritual practices, or if you share an unhealthy equation with your mother/mother figure, or then if you are a woman and have physical issues pertaining to the reproductive system, pregnancy &/or conception, you may want to consider exploring this modality.

To know more about 9D Womb Healing with 9 Cosmic Mothers, contact  TRISHAKTI HERE.

*Please note that this is a very advanced modality involving high frequency vibrations, because of which, as a matter of policy and ethics, divine guidance will have to be sought, to know whether 9D Womb healing is an appropriate modality for someone or not. And the next steps will be determined in accordance with this guidance.

The healing modality – ‘9D Womb Healing with 9 Cosmic Mothers’ is the property of TRISHAKTI by AMBICA. It is divinely received & indigenously developed by AMBICA (Sweety S Manglic).

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