
Ancestral Healing


What Is Ancestral Healing?

Our Lineage impacts us in more ways than we can imagine! Before understanding what is ancestral healing, it is important to note that we all choose to incarnate as part of a particular lineage/family-line/blood-line, for various reasons such as life lessons, karmic balances, karmic closures, etc. Sometimes, these life plans are just for ourselves, while other times, these life plans maybe to help the ENTIRE LINEAGE.

Stay with me…

‘Ancestral Healing’ is a healing method to heal any negative impact that a person maybe experiencing on account of ancestral karma (karma created by ancestors), unhealthy ancestral patterns (e.g. broken marriages, poverty, etc.), unhealthy beliefs (lack of deservingness, low self-worth, etc.), toxic behaviors & traits, etc. Yes, you read that right – We inherit not only physical and emotional traits and dispositions from our ancestors but spiritual and karmic bonds as well –  which could be impacting us negatively and may require healing!

The beauty of this modality is that when ancestral healing is done on someone, this healing impacts the entire lineage and not just the person upon whom the healing is done! Which means that the person not only receives numerous blessings from their ancestors, but also prevents future generations from living out these ancestral patterns, thereby doing the entire lineage a huge favor!

Benefits of Ancestral Healing

Ancestral Healing Session - How can it help?

Some of the ways in which an Ancestral Healing Session can help are, Identifying & –

That being said, it must also be noted, that during an ancestral healing session, one can also learn about the positive traits that they have inherited from their ancestors and tap into their wisdom, heal ancestral wounds, and create a positive ripple effect that spans across time. So, while the negative or shadow side of the lineage can be healed, the positive traits and strengths can be capitalized upon for an empowered and joyous life!

If any of what you have read here resonates with you and you want to know more about this, do reach out. To connect with TRISHAKTI by AMBICA, CLICK HERE

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